Monday, May 14, 2007

Houston Astros Implement Bluetooth Zones for Free Content

Remember to bring your Bluetooth-enabled phones if you managed to make it to an Astros game at Minute Maid Park. The Astros have launched Bluetooth zones all around the park, where folks can download video and audio clips, applications, ticket offers and more. This seems like a baby step to the future that could possibly include live replays, live stats and more to cellphones across the ballpark (like Arsenal already does). These area could also be a hacker's dream with an endless number of open Bluetooth connections. Now, will these Bluetooth zones make the 'Stros any better? Possibly.


Vending Machine gives out free drinks for watching ads...

Thirsty? Out of cash? Don't worry, if you're near one of these Japanese MediCafe vending machines, it'll give you a drink for free. It doles out free drinks as a reward for you watching an advertisement on its built-in video screen...
